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Currently Browsing: Business Studies

Year 10 Enterprise Day

On Friday 6th July, Year 10 business students took part in an extremely successful enterprise day raising a large sum of money for a local food bank charity. Students were in teams of 4 or 5 and had a start-up loan of £10. The students were set a challenge to research and create a business venture with the...

Enterprise Event 2018

Following the success of last year’s market-place initiative, by the students of the Business Department, the current Year 10s will be running an enterprise event of their own during break and lunch, on Friday 6th July in the Sixth Form centre. They have begun planning for the event in groups of 4 or...

Market-Place Selling is a Resounding Success

One word sums up the success of the recent business event: “excellent”. In total 40 students were involved, working in teams of four. Each team had a unique marketing idea, from selling leavers hoodies, to some excellent homemade cupcakes, oreo biscuit milkshakes, (which proved very...

Enterprise Events 5th/6th February

The Year 11, GCSE Business students, have organised a series of enterprise events, which are scheduled to take place in the sixth form, silent study area, during breaks and lunch of the 5th and 6th of February.  In total there will eight groups selling goods that they have created including food items...

Business GCSE Revision

The GCSE Business resit examination takes place on Tuesday 9th January. There is a final revision lesson for all candidates on Monday 8th January, from 3.00 in G12. Attandance is mandatory, due to the examination being scheduled for the following day. GMS wish all those resitting the very...

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