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Currently Browsing: Key Stage 3

Extra Curricular Activities

At Great Marlow we believe the school experience should be about more than learning in the classroom, so teachers run many clubs to complement the curriculum. The website posts the extra curriculum activities that are running at the school and this can be found by visiting Curriculum – Extra Curricular...

Gold Medallist: Synchronised Ice Skating

There is a new Gold Medallist at GMS to celebrate. Tim Richardson won Gold in his latest synchronised ice skating competition, with Team SPICE. It was a “very proud moment”  Tim’s mother and father pronounced. Mr Ford said, “This is fantastic news, a great achievement.” Our...

Swimming Successes – Rebecca Hayward

Some students show a love for their sport by pursuing it to the highest level. One such student is Rebecca Hayward, who trains a total of 19 hours a week, six days a week. Her early morning swims on Monday and Thursday begin at 5.15 am, there is a little more of a lie in on Sunday when the starting time is...

Talented Author: Mr Tony Lee

GMS are excited to announce the visit of a popular author, who is coming in to speak to speak to Years 7 and 8 on 18th November. For the second time the librarians have invited Mr  Lee to address the lower years. All of Yr 7 and Yr 8 will hear the author, the very talented Mr Tony Lee, talk in the main...

Year 7 Parents’ Evening

GMS would like to invite all parents and carers of Year 7 to a Parents’ Evening on Thursday 5th December 2019. The Online Appointment Booking facility allows appointments to be made from 15.45 until 19.30. The school regards this as an important evening that provides parents and carers with the...

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