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Currently Browsing: Key Stage 4

Farewell Yr11

Mr Ross, Director of Learning for Year 11, writes about the final morning for the Year 11s and the Leavers’ Assembly. “Friday, May 13th will live in my memory for a very long time. To say goodbye to a Year group I have nurtured, as they end their KS4 compulsory education, was very special and...

24/03/2020: Yr10 Parents’/Carers’ Evening

GMS invites all Year 10 parents and carers to a virtual online Parents’ Evening on Thursday 24th March 2022. In keeping with the hours of other parent/carers evenings it will run from 4.30pm until 7.30pm.  Bookings can be made from Monday 14th March 2022 at 8pm until Monday 21st March at 6pm.  This...

Excellent Eco-Warriors

Miss Addy has only praise for the GMS Eco Warriors – 46 registered members already, with a good number of them attending the weekly meetings. She says, “I couldn’t be more pleased.” The Green Flag is within reach. More plans are in the pipeline: discussions and advice are being sought...

Mock Exams Yr11 & Yr13

In March, there are mock examinations for students in Year 11 and Year 13. The GCSE and A-level mock timetables, with dates and times, has now been uploaded onto the website. You can access these by clicking on the ‘Examinations’ Information’ in the Links section, on the right-hand side of...

Intermediate Maths Challenge

GMS has more than 70 students sitting the Intermediate Maths Challenge taking place on Thursday 3rd February. This Challenge is being sat by Year 9s, Year 10s and Year 11s. The 60 minute Challenge is undertaken by students from across the world; it is formulated to encourage “mathematical reasoning,...

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