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Currently Browsing: About GMS

History Alive: Yr13 Holbein at the Tudor Court

The Year 13 History class visited the Holbein at the Tudor Court exhibition at Buckingham Palace at the end of March.  The students braved the torrential rain on our scenic walk to the palace, which included two royal carriages from the working stables at the Royal Mews that stopped traffic and tourists on...

GMS 2024 Rowing Challenge

Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd May was GMS’s 2024 Rowing Challenge.  Building on the success of last year’s Sporting Challenge we are taking the event forward in 2024. This year’s Sporting Challenge had a rowing focus and incorporated the Inter-Form and Inter-House Indoor Rowing Competition for Years...

Easter Holidays

All the staff at Great Marlow School wish our students and their families an enjoyable Easter break and we look forward to seeing everyone back in school on Monday April...

Eco-Conference 2024

Eco Conference 2024 Time Lapse Video The sun shone, meaning the inside and outside areas of the Sixth Form Centre was used: buzzing with enthusiastic stall-holders. Each vendor wanted to raise awareness of the environment and...

Music Extra-Curricular

The GMS’s Music Department is delighted that it has a thriving extra-curricular music following, but is hoping that following will grow. The students who follow an extra-curricular music timetable do have the opportunity to perform in numerous exciting musical opportunities. Coming up are these...

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