Bobmore Lane, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1JE
Telephone - 01628 483 752
Company Registration No.07690054

Litter Pickers and Marlow Wombles

On the 11th February, the Marlow Wombles visited the school to meet with our newly formed litter picking team.  The Wombles have kindly volunteered to support our very keen and resilient team of litter pickers on their journey to reduce litter around the school.
The team of Year 7s and Year 8s meet on a Tuesday and Thursday and litter pick all around the school grounds, they have the important job of promoting and raising awareness about the litter that builds up on our site.
Marlow Wombles kindly visited to share their knowledge and experience of how to develop a positive culture for litter picking. The litter pickers, despite their readiness, have had some comments including, “Why are you doing that? Are you in trouble? Are you in detention?” It gives them great pleasure to explain that the voluntary work is purely their way of protecting the planet.
The students have teamed up with Marlow Wombles to tackle litter most especially around the perimeter of the school. Another meeting is scheduled for the 28th of February to tackle litter on the community borders.
The team has shown great responsibility and the Eco Warrior leaders are incredibly proud of them and their resilience to litter pick for our school and for the benefit of our students and staff.
If anyone reading this is keen to join the litter campaign, please see Miss Ashby in the Geography Department.
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