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Telephone - 01628 483 752
Company Registration No.07690054

30/03 Yr9 Parents’&Carers’ Evening

GMS invites all Year 9 parents and carers to a virtual online Parents’ Evening on Wednesday 30th March 2022. In keeping with the hours of other parent/carers evenings it will run from 4.30pm until 7.30pm.

Bookings can be made from Wednesday 23rd March at 8pm until Monday 28th March at 6pm. 

In this time of restricted access to school, this is an important remote event that enables you to meet with your child’s subject teachers and discuss progress and options for GCSE.

The school has an easy-to-use online appointment booking system: once appointment times are chosen, an email confirms the times. Should you wish to make changes after this date please contact the school office.

If you are unable to make an appointment with a teacher, please add your name to the waiting list and the teacher will contact you at their earliest convenience.

The virtual system is simple; it connects you to your meeting automatically. Please make sure that you have a connection to the internet and there is a microphone on the laptop or computer that you use. Alternatively, you can use your mobile phone. All meetings are conducted through a web browser so there is no application to download or install. More information can be found here.

Many teachers will be conducting meetings from school, but some teachers may choose to do so from home, if so they may choose to communicate using the audio function only. On that note, please be mindful of the environment from which you are communicating.

There is a brand new feature available on Parents’ Evening System: the ability to invite someone from another household into a video meeting. Information about this can be found on the Parents’ Evening System page on the school website.

Please visit: to book your appointments. On the evening of your meeting, use the same link to join the meeting. Please be aware that the meetings are time-sensitive, only allowing a 5-minute appointment, it will cut off once the allotted time is reached; this is a function of the software and cannot be controlled by participants. Also, please be aware that due to the automation of the system, if you miss an appointment, it cannot be rescheduled.

The following information needs to match what the school system has, for a successful login:

  • Parent/Carer Surname
  • Student’s First Name
  • Student’s Surname
  • Student’s Date of Birth
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