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Geography Club Visit to Danesfield School

The Geography Gifted & Talented club went to Danesfield School to work with a Year 5 class.

The focus of the trip was to teach and encourage Danesfield pupils to recycle materials and save energy. GMS students gave a presentation and showed a selection of videos to the class.

For the geography workshops the class was divided into 3 different groups. The workshops involved using recycled materials to:

  • make a collage of the Danesfield School logo
  • make energy saving monsters
  • make light switch covers
All the pupils had the chance to experience all the workshop tasks. Later, the G&T group judged the monsters and the light switch covers, in order to award winners in these categories.  Also, a certificate was awarded to the pupil who helped the most. The session ended with the Danesfield pupils presenting their monsters to the class and, importantly, explaining how they saved energy.

The G&T Club really enjoyed this trip because Danesfield pupils had so many different creative ideas and so much imagination. The enthusiasm  of the primary school pupils was brilliant, it bought smiles to all involved.

Mr. Pendlebury and Mr. Dean are thanked for transporting the G&T Club to Danesfield School.

Finally, GMS G&T thank all the staff at Danesfield School for the warm welcome they received.

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