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From Page to Stage: Drama Showcase

The recent production of ‘From Page to Stage’ may have come to an end, but for those involved (especially Mr Ross) there is still a ‘buzz’ of excitement because the performances of the young actors was so brilliant. It was far and away the production that had the most audience participation. A showcase is very different from a play or musical and requires different skills from the actors.

The ‘Show Week’ was very busy, extremely tiring but massively exhilarating. What follows is a summary of the final build-up days.

Monday 10th July. The different elements of the show were put together; participants began to understand who was performing before and after them: most importantly, how to manage the stage entrances and exits. It also gave an opportunity to perfect the sound and lighting.

Tuesday 11th July. This was the busiest day of all. It began with a dress rehearsal in front of primary school students who were excited and grateful to see the show; they were enthusiastically supportive. Mr Ross gauged how successful the show was by assessing their reaction. They were tremendous at singing, clapping and laughing in all the right places; equally, they were respectful when the more thought-provoking pieces were being performed.

In the afternoon, so that the students could perform again, a couple of Year 7 classes were invited to watch. However, little did Mr Ross know that word circulated, meaning most Year 7 classes wanted to be part of the audience. With their teacher’s permission, they came. It was hugely advantageous that they did so because this show will live in their memories for a very long time. The students made so much noise, in all the right places, that the atmosphere become incredibly electric and vibrant.  Mr Ross reported he had never heard ‘Sweet Caroline’ sung so loudly, with so much enjoyment.

At the end of the show, something incredible occurred: the audience started chanting, ‘We want more’ it gave goose-bumps to those listening; ‘Joseph’ was offered as an encore and the noise was indescribable. What a great year group. If that reaction doesn’t encourage the performers to act in something else, nothing else will.

Tuesday was the day of the first evening show. From the beginning, the audience made it clear that they were loving the entertainment. The actors performed to the same high quality, and at no time did any of them become complacent. At the close of the curtain, there was a standing ovation by those present: a high accolade.

Wednesday 12th July. As the evening of the final performance approached, there was a concern that the young actors were tired and had to focus even harder. Mr Ross’s nerves were on edge when a power cut hit about an hour before the performance. Thankfully, full electricity output was restored, although, with hindsight, it might have been possible to run the show without power!

The actors exceeded everyone’s expectations: again the audience was tremendous and there was another standing ovation for many. By the time we had formally thanked all involved, the show had overun, yet there was an encore, with Mr Ford’s agreement. The audience stood and clapped throughout the rendition of ‘Joseph’; it was a great way to end the journey and put the show to bed.

Mr Ross says, “I have been producing shows for a considerable number of years and really I do not have a favourite one. Every show is unique and not comparable to another. The Summer 2023 ‘From Page to Stage’ was tremendous; it had something for everyone that truly connected with the audiences on every occasion.

The Drama Department does not just want to put on a production for the sake of it, but to give the young actors an experience of what real theatre is all about, thus the performance standards are high. It is a credit to all the actors involved that each and everyone of them gave a first-class performance on all four occasions.

Thanks to Mr Grosart for his musical talent and for encouraging the audience to participate.

A great memory has been made for everyone.”

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