Bobmore Lane, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1JE
Telephone - 01628 483 752
Company Registration No.07690054

Honda’s ‘School of Dreams’

Honda’s ‘School of Dreams’ team will visit Great Marlow School on 16th and 17th January to provide a two-day ‘thinking skills’ workshop for twelve students in Years 7, 8 and 9. Joining our students will be twelve students from Cressex School and six Year 6 students from Holy Trinity and Foxes Piece. Members of staff from the schools will join the students, in this ‘School of Dreams’ hands-on experience.

The School of Dreams programme is designed specifically for young people of all abilities to help them understand the importance of pursuing their dreams, and how the skills and strategies of teachers can help dreams into reality. It was developed by Honda (UK) and a team of independent education experts as part of Honda’s commitment to giving back to the local communities in which it operates. School of Dreams helps students and educators discover different, creative and more interesting ways to learn.

Over the last seven years, School of Dreams has been delivered in more than 200 schools across the UK, to, approximately, 10,000 students and educators. The School of Dreams programme has been carefully mapped against the National Curriculum’s Personal Learning and Thinking Skills framework. Over the course of two days, students experience all ten of the learning strategies identified in the ‘Leading in Learning’ education initiative.

There are fifty schools taking part in the current workshop programme. To find out more information about the School of Dreams please visit their website:

Mrs L Ludgate and Mr J James

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