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Poppy installation at GMS

Over the past 5 weeks, our students have collected over 1600 plastic bottles as part of a recycling drive to help reduce waste on the school site. The incentive, bolstered by the prospect of it being a House competition, drew many students and staff to get involved in a bid to collect points for their school houses. Once the bottles were collected they were cut, heated, sprayed and glued in order to turn them into beautiful armistice flowers – 1 to represent each and every student and staff member in the school.
Inspired by Paul Cummins’ 2014 Tower of London spectacle ‘Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red’, the poppies were subsequently woven together to form a poppy ‘wave’, with the excess flowers planted at its base in the entrance to our school, and looks spectacular alongside our ‘unknown soldier’ and commemorative plaque, which have both been made at GMS as part of the project.
The installation has been a real labour of love, and has caught the attention of the many visitors we have to the site each day, along with the community of parents and carers who have seen it shared on social media. We hope that it will provide a place of solace for those who wish to use it to remember the sacrifice of our armed forces, and a place of beauty for the individuals who stand before it.
A huge well done to all the students who gave up their time to contribute to this worthwhile cause, and congratulations to Eagles who were triumphant in the House competition.
To view the making of this striking installation please click here
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