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Review of Tirabad Trip 2014

Tirabad 2014, the residential outdoor centre in Wales, was an amazing trip due to the enthusiasm of the 36 pupils involved.

The activities were challenging, entertaining and rewarding, made unique by the extreme weather conditions that had to be endured: snow, hailstones and wind.  All involved were hugely impressed with the pupils’ attitude towards each task set.

Mr Ross accompanied two groups hill walking in three foot of snow in blizzard conditions: not one child gave up; everyone reached the top of Pen –Y –Fan. The pleasure a teacher derives from seeing the pride on the faces of the pupils who have achieved is very special.

Gorge scrambling was very challenging this year because the water levels were at their maximum. Climbing a waterfall in the cold needed a special kind of endurance and this was shown by the pupils who took part.  The way they supported, and learned to rely on, each other was also an amazing experience for them.

Caving was another activity made even more challenging by the conditions, but GMS pupils showed how resilient they were: all completed the task with energy.

The Forest Adventure Walk was particularly wet and very muddy. The mud fights were a highlight of the adventure – started by Mr Ross, who sensibly withdrew allowing the pupils to have the time of their lives.

It was not only the amazing challenges that set this trip apart, but the way the pupils lived as a community. The centre was kept in top condition by the way the pupils took turns in washing up and ensuring their dorms was clean. Every day dorms were rigorously inspected by Mr Ross’s twin brother Corporal Ross. (Imagine being there!) The good humour in completing the everyday things made this trip very special.

The skills that the pupils learn at Tirabad cannot be overestimated: the stories they tell are their memories of a special experience, which is why this trip is such a highlight on the school calendar. Going to Tirabad really does change pupils’ attitudes to school. Many return feeling confident that if they apply themselves they can achieve anything.

The centre is already booked for next year; places will be offered to the current Year 7s, the first details will be issued  in July.

GMS thank Mr Ross, Mr Dave Bateman and Miss Bevan for all their hard work before, during and after the trip and for their good humour throughout.

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