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Year 8 Visit London Zoo

The Year 8 pupils of GMS have had the opportunity to take part in educational visits to the London Zoo, to inspire their textile project in the Design and Technology Department.

Three separate trips have taken place this academic year: in the autumn, spring and summer terms. The pupils were given the opportunity to apply for a place on the trip in the term that they were undertaking their textiles’ project

As usual, GMS pupils’ behaviour was exemplary while at the zoo. The valuable learning experience has certainly inspired their projects in the classroom. The highlights of the day were the visits to see the gorillas, meerkats, tigers, lions, giraffes and the aquarium. The images, patterns, textures and silhouette patterns have been translated superbly onto drawstring bags.

The Food and Textiles Technology Department would like to express their gratitude to parents for supporting their child financially in order for this enriching educational visit to take place. It has given the pupils a research opportunity different to that found on the computer or in books.

Thank you

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