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Great House Spelling Bee Final Results

All pupils at Great Marlow took part in the inaugural Great House Spelling Bee this term. This turned out to be a very exciting competition promoting literacy across the school.  Many pupils participated in the preliminary rounds in their tutor groups before the winners from each House took part in year group finals.  There was much fun, as well as tension, as the finals unfolded, with some pupils finding spelling not so easy under the pressure of having to spell out loud in front of a large audience.  Others excelled and we had some excellent spelling of difficult words, including accommodation and onomatopoeia. Congratulations go to Tony Holden in Year 7 of Warrior; Tilly Binucci, Year 8 of Endeavour; Kati Pitwell, Year 9, Endurance; Poppy Corbould, Year 10 of Endurance; and Jamie Tombeur, Year 12 Endeavour. It is hoped that all pupils will stay in training over the summer to prepare themselves for the rounds in the next academic year.

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