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Maths Day

Maths Day (held on 8th July) was an opportunity for the pupils in year 7 to explore mathematics in the real world and to learn new skills to help them in maths and other curriculum subjects too. There were four activities:

The first involved a series of jigsaw puzzles designed to aid teamwork and multi-step problem solving. (Who said jigsaws were easy?)

The second was Mr Taylor’s infamous Pizza Business Game where teams competed to make the most profit. Emotions ran high as the profits soared –or in some cases- dropped! Congratulations to 7A who made an amazing £36,000 profit.

The third activity enabled pupils the time to explore the website with its exercises and games designed in levels of increasing difficulty to support and challenge a child in mathematics. This site also had useful vocabulary quizzes, which develops a child’s language and understanding skills through KS3 to GCSE level.

The fourth activity involved Mind Mapping – a very useful revision tool at any level of ability. Some may remember last year Great Marlow School was delighted to host the Honda School of Dreams two day workshop. The Maths Day session included a number of elements from the School of Dreams, including Asimo and ‘his’ development.

Mr Payne certainly gave the impression of being everywhere at once, taking hundreds of photos and getting to know his new year group. The four hours flew past.

Whilst year 7 returned to the final lesson of the day, approximately 60 year 8 students participated in the puzzle challenge. Their initial thoughts of ‘just puzzles’ quickly dissipated as they encountered dead ends and discovered that working together as a team does make solving problems easier and quicker.

Early feedback from the pupils and staff suggest that the day was hugely successful and enjoyable.

Mrs Ludgate, Mrs McMahon and Mr Payne


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