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Progress Reports on SLG

SIMS Learning Gateway has been successful since its launch more than a year ago. As the first half term comes to a close, GMS wishes to remind all parents and carers that progress reports are available online through SIMS Learning Gateway (SLG). A detailed user guide can be accessed directly from the website.

To access the guide and the SLG login page, click the ‘Parents & Carers’ menu at the top and select SLG (SIMS Learning Gateway) from the drop down menu. Alternatively you can Click Here to get quick access.

Usernames and passwords were sent out last year, and were, for security reasons, dispatched separately.

However, in this new school year it has come to light that a number of Year 11 parents and carers who are the receivers of the first batch of Progress Reports have mislaid their usernames or forgotten passwords. To help overcome this problem, GMS are sending out the most recent progress reports to them as a paper copy. Inside the envelope will be a copy of the SIMS Learning Gateway username, from that it should be possible for parents and carers to to reset their passwords.  

If there are any problems, please email


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