Bobmore Lane, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1JE
Telephone - 01628 483 752
Company Registration No.07690054


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  • October 4th, 2022

    The Blunders Competition Winner

    December 11th, 2023

    David Walliams, an author who has visited GMS, launched a competition to support his new book called The Blunders. Competitors were challenged to be resourceful when building one of The Blunders characters. The competition challenged competitors to submit creations as a drawing, model, diagram or mock prototype. These could be made from anything available: pens, […]

    Bronze Medal for Gymnastics

    December 11th, 2023

    Congratulations goes to one of our Year 8 students, Eliza Barbosa de Melo, who has shown her gymnastic expertise and performance quality in the National Finals: she was central in helping her team, Team London, win the prestigious Bronze medal at the competition. Eliza is in 8H3, and her commitment to a sport she enjoys […]

    Harry Potter Library Quiz

    December 10th, 2023

    The Harry Potter Quiz was tremendous fun. On entering the library, you are welcomed into a magical Harry Potter World full of cloaks, wands and a host of Potter paraphernalia. This all added to the fun of The Harry Potter Quiz, hosted by Mrs Fisher. A total of 90 students, supported by enthusiastic staff, were […]

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