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Currently Browsing: Physical Education

Sports Equipment

As the end of another school year moves towards a close, especially for the Year 11s in GMS, the PE Department ask for sports items to be donated. There are times when a student arrives in school without their PE kit and it is a great help to be able to loan an item of clothing for the duration of the...

Snowsports Trip

GMS would like to remind parents and carers that the next deadline for payment for the Snowsports trip is 1st June. Many have already made a payment, thank-you, but if not please do not let the deadline go past, especially as it is half-term. The amount due is just £250. Should there be any issues,...

Handball Tournament Yr10 Girls’ County

The annual Year 10 Girls’ Handball Tournament took place during the first week back after half term. In preparation for this no less than 20 girls from Year 10 attended training twice a week for a month leading up to the competition. Inspired by the successes of the year above, the current Year 10...

Yr7/Yr8 Rugby Spring Report

The second half of the rugby season kicked off just after February half term. Training was as effervescent as ever and there was a strong sense of intensity and focus from both the Year 7 and Year 8 teams respectively. This part of the season’s cycle is used to play all of our local rivals, those not...

Cross Country

The Bucks Schools County Cross Country Competition took place at The Cottesloe School in Wing, on a chilly February day. Due to a huge number of GMS students wanting to compete, we had to take a coach to the venue. However, between races this did serve as our classroom and shelter, which, given the weather,...

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