Groupcall Communication
Our main means of communication with you will be by Groupcall Messenger and Xpressions. This service enables us to send letters, messages and school reports to you by email.
Resources and Support for using Groupcall Xpressions
Xpressions Login
Xpressions Information Letter
Xpressions Support Page
We place great importance on communicating with you as frequently as possible so that everyone is kept informed. As you may be aware sending letters home via pupils is not always the most speedy and reliable way of doing this.
We use a service called Messenger which enables us to send letters, messages to you by email and the Xpressions App. We can in the event of an emergency also communicate with you by text message.
In order to use this service we need to make sure your email addresses and mobile telephone numbers are up to date. The service is registered with the Data Protection Registrar and guarantees that all information supplied will be kept completely private.
Do let us know if your contact details have changed.
The Xpressions App is an addition tool which is linked into messenger and allows you, as parent/carers to see your child’s timetable, attendance, behaviour & achievement points as well as notifications we have pushed out via Messenger.