Students in Years 7 and 8 have fortnightly library lessons, which are teacher led, to encourage a love of reading through a wide and diverse book selection. The range of reading material includes graphic, Manga and dyslexic books, as well as the classics: our library collection aims to reflect the current reading trends. There is an emphasis on the enjoyment of reading rather than setting targets. Laptops are freely available in both school breaks. Supervised homework club starts at 3pm and runs until 4.30pm on Monday to Thursday. The librarians hold regular book fairs from Scholastic, author visits and library events throughout the year. Altogether, this is a busy and popular space that is the hub of the school’s learning.
All students are automatically members of the library once they are enrolled as a student at Great Marlow; they are issued with an individual login to the library system.
In their first term, all students are given an induction lesson where they learn how the library is organised and how to benefit from the library. From Year 8, students can apply to become assistant librarians, when appointed they take part in the everyday life of the library and their help is truly appreciated.