Great Marlow School, white logo

School Transport

GMS has a wide catchment area. Buses are commissioned to transport students living further than 3 miles away.

Paid for School Transport (Discretionary)

Most students do not qualify for free home-to-school transport.

Buckinghamshire Council have organised with the transport company the opportunity for parents and carers to opt to pay an annual fee to access ‘paid-for’ transport.  However, please note this offer is discretionary: transport is only offered on existing school bus services where there is sufficient capacity.

Free School Transport

Free home-to-school transport is normally only available where you meet the criteria in the Home-to-School Transport Policy. In most cases Buckinghamshire Council will advise a parent/carer if their child is eligible for free transport when the school place is allocated.

Bus Routes and Times of Transport to GMS

To locate the bus routes and timings of the buses follow the links on the Buckinghamshire Council School Transport page. (See the link in the ‘Contacts’ section below.)

To view current status of bus routes please visit

Additionally, there is a PDF, which summaries the routes and timings:

Lost or Damaged Bus Passes

If a bus pass is lost or damaged, parents/carers must apply for a replacement pass as soon as possible, this can be ordered and paid for online from Buckinghamshire Council. At the time of going to press, the cost of a replacement pass is £13.00. A 5 day emergency pass can be obtained from the finance department at Great Marlow School.


For applications, general enquiries on bus boarding and alighting points, discretionary travel, 16+ renewals, bus passes contact Bucks CC Client Transport. The contact details are found in the link below.

Address of Buckinghamshire Transport

Client Transport
Buckinghamshire County Council
County Hall
HP20 1YZ

Tel: 01296 387439

(In term time, office opening hours are: 8.00 – 17.30 on Monday to Thursday. On Friday from 8.00 – 17.00. (Outside term time the office is manned 9.00-17.00.)