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Progress Review Guides

Includes guides for student progress reviews and an explanation of what the codes mean.

Key Stage Progress Review Guides

Key Stage 3 Progress Review Guide

Progress review guide for Years 7 to 9, including guide to potential GCSE grade and attitude to learning.

Key Stage 4 Guide to Grades

Guide to grades for Years 10 & 11, including predicted grades and attitude to learning marks.

Key Stage 5 Guide to Grades

Guide to grades for Years 12 & 13, including predicted grades and attitude to learning marks.

About Key Stage 3 Progress Review Guide

You will see some of the following words on your child’s progress reviews during years 7, 8 and 9: foundation,
emerging, secure, advanced and exceptional. These may be familiar from primary school. The words describe the
grasp that staff feel a student has of a subject at that point in time. As a loose guide, the coloured bar in the guide indicates
roughly what GCSE grade this might equate to if a student’s understanding of a subject remains similar right up until
they sit their GCSE exam. In reality, understanding of a subject can vary over time and you may see this variation on
different progress reviews. Student learning develops at different speeds and times, so there is no set path through
these descriptive words. Below is a link to the KS3 Progress Review Guide.