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GMS assigns homework through Microsoft Teams, but students in Years 7-11 also record their homework in their planners.

All homework is recorded on Microsoft TEAMS by the subject teachers.

Subject teachers regularly give homework, the expectation is that in Key Stage 3 (KS3) the core subjects will set homework on average three times per fortnight. Subjects in KS3 that have, on average, four lessons per fortnight will set homework twice per fortnight and subjects with fewer lessons, once a fortnight.

In Key Stage 4 (KS4) core subjects are expected to set three pieces of homework per fortnight, and the option subjects two pieces of homework per fortnight.

Great Marlow School operates a homework club from 3.00pm – 4.30pm Monday to Thursday; it is supervised by members of staff. The club takes place in the library and allows students access to computers, a wide range of books and revision material. Staff on duty also offer advice to students regarding the research material, with the overall aim to develop independent students, confident in using the available resources.