Independent study (also known as homework) at Great Marlow School refers to tasks given to students to complete outside of their lesson time. Independent study activities vary significantly particularly between younger and older students, including, but not limited to, home reading activities, longer projects or essays and more directed, focused work such as revision for tests. GMS subject teachers record their homework on MS Teams. Homework is most effective when it involves practice or rehearsal of subject matter or skills already being taught.
Great Marlow School operates a Homework Club from 3.00pm – 4.30pm Monday to Thursday; it is supervised by members of staff. The club takes place in the library and allows students access to computers, a wide range of books and revision material. Staff on duty also offer advice to students regarding the research material, with the overall aim to develop independent students, confident in using the available resources.
Homework has an impact when it enables students to undertake independent learning using traditional methods, or online to practise and consolidate skills, conduct in-depth inquiry, prepare for lessons, or revise for exams.
Vatterott (2010) identified 5 characteristics of effective homework:
- Purpose: all homework assignments are meaningful & students must also understand the purpose of the assignment and why it is important in the context of their academic experience (Xu, 2011).
- Efficiency: homework should not take an inordinate amount of time and should require some hard thinking.
- Ownership: students who feel connected to the content and assignment learn more and are more motivated. Providing students with choice in their assignments is one way to create ownership.
- Competence: students should feel competent in completing homework. To achieve this, it’s beneficial to abandon the one-size-fits-all model. Homework that students can’t do without help is not good homework.
- Inspiring: a well-considered & clearly designed resource and task impacts positively upon student motivation.
Independent study in secondary schools has a positive impact on student progress (+5 months) (EEF, 2021). When setting independent study, departments ensure that the following elements are considered to maximise impact:
- The quality of independent study over quantity. The amount of homework needs to be consistent across classes and proportional to the age and ability of the student.
- Activities should be varied, relevant and extend learning, whilst being proportional to the age and ability of the student. They should emphasise the 6Rs, positivity and kindness – which are at the core of our school ethos.
- Tasks should be well-designed and linked to classroom learning.
- Students should have the aim of the homework clearly communicated to them.
- Any barriers to completion should be addressed prior to setting the homework.
- Independent learning strategies should be taught in lessons, modelling best practice to students.
- Homework should have high quality feedback to improve student learning. The format of this feedback depends on the nature of the task given.
- The impact of homework/independent study should be monitored relative to student engagement, progress, and attainment.
- A supportive space should be provided for students, particularly those students from disadvantaged backgrounds to complete homework. Research indicates that this will particularly help them to develop effective learning habits, leading to greater progress in their learning journey.
A meaningful piece of homework every two weeks is acceptable, if all the criteria in this document for homework/independent study are met and this has been discussed by the Head of Department with their Line Line Manager.
Minimum Guidelines
KS3 (for students who don’t have adapted homework provision)
Subject | Frequency of lessons | Average frequency of homework |
Core subjects | - | 2 per fortnight |
Non-core subjects | 2-4 lessons/fortnight | 1 per fortnight |
Non-core subjects | 1 per fortnight | 1 piece every two lessons |
PE and Drama | - | Relevant homework tasks set at discretion of HOD due to practical nature of the subject at KS3. |
Core subjects – 3 per fortnight
Option subjects – 1 per week
Students should expect homework/ independent study from all lessons.