Great Marlow School offers students the opportunity to participate in the Bronze, Silver and Gold awards. The award takes students outside the comfort zone of the classroom and their social circle, broadens their horizons and gives them a positive approach to overcoming challenges and reaching goals.
Young people choose their own activities and set their own targets – so their level of achievement depends on their own enthusiasm, commitment and self-motivation. This boosts their independence, responsibility and ability to reflect on the impact of their actions. They learn to work well and respectfully with others; become more confident; and expand their aspirations. They learn teamwork, grow in confidence and gain a deeper understanding of other people’s views, perspectives and beliefs.
Participating in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award at GMS enables our students to develop the skills and attitudes they need to become more rounded, confident adults – qualities that colleges, universities and employers are attracted to.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award promotes:
- self-belief and self-confidence
- a sense of identity
- a sense of responsibility
- being confident to embark on new initiatives
- an awareness of individual strengths
- discovering new talents and attitudes
- the ability to plan and use time effectively
- learning from and giving to others in the community
- forming new friendships
- problem solving, presentation and communication skills
- leadership and team working skills
The point of contact is Mr S Goodright, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Manager: email is – sgooodright@gms.bucks.sch.uk
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
Every year the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is launched at GMS for Year 9. The cohort is offered the opportunity to participate in this internationally renowned award. The DofE is a great chance for students to broaden their horizons, discover new interests and talents, have fun with friends and develop essential skills for their future.
Further information about the DofE Award can be found by visiting www.dofe.org
A registration letter is emailed to all Year 9 parents and carers. If you do not receive an email or have any queries about the award, please email Steve Goodright at: sgoodright@gms.bucks.sch.uk