Great Marlow School, white logo

Our Approach to Learning

The ‘My Personal Best’ programme is integral to the school’s teaching and learning philosophy. The 7Rs are a guiding set of positive values and attitudes.


Our students are encouraged to accept responsibility. Responsibility means being truthful and honest both to oneself and to others. It requires owning an action and consenting to the consequences of that action because it is the right thing to do.


Resourcefulness is about finding pathways to success, even when barriers seem difficult or insurmountable.


Reflection is a life skill; it’s learning from being reflective. By revisiting actions, behaviour and work understanding is deepened and better knowledge of oneself reinforced.


Mutual respect is the cornerstone of GMS’s ethos. We expect members of our community to treat each other with dignity and respect; this involves listening to each other’s viewpoints and recognising there may be disagreement. 


Being ready and prepared for learning helps our students thrive on the educational and extra-curricular opportunities they are offered. 


Resilience requires finding an inner strength to forge a way forward after experiencing a setback, mishap or upheaval. 

Our 7th R is Reading