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Keeping Safe Online

Make the most of professionals who have researched and published resources to help you navigate the online world.

Online Safety Resources

Below are professional online sites specifically offering students, parents, carers and their wider family network internet safety-advice.

Family Lives

This site offers a confidential helpline service for families in England and Wales.


This site has a wealth of educational resources for online safety.


This site offers information on child exploitation.

National Online Safety

This site produces a comprehensive online safety programme for parents/carers, students and teachers

Internet Matters

Practical tips and advice to support families online

As a student you have access to a wide range of professional online information, much of which is considered accurate and trustworthy. However, there is a online-risk of unscrupulous people posting harmful content.  GMS considers it important that students alongside their parents and carers work together to share online dangers. The following websites are well-known and respected.

Family Lives offers a confidential helpline service for families in England and Wales. (This service was previously known as Parentline.) There is advice on many issues including bullying.

Childnet produces educational resources for students, parents, carers and teachers about topics that include cyberbullying, sexting, copyright and grooming. Childnet stated aim is to “make the internet a great and safe place for children and young people

ThinkuKnow offers information on child exploitation. There is useful advice and guidance to ensure safety when online and how to seek help if concerned.

National Online Safety produces a comprehensive online safety programme for parents, carers students and teachers. This is a resource GMS has signed up to because knowledge is important if online dangers, and how best to react to an incident, are to be understood.

Internet Matters has guides and practical tips, specifically designed to support families online.