Friends of Great Marlow School
FoGMS is an organisation that actively fundraises for the benefit of all the students in the school.
The association, FoGMS, is a long established fellowship of GMS parents, carers, students and staff. It is an important bridge between the school as an educational establishment and the school as part of a community. It promotes a co-operation between home and school by offering a way for parents and carers to make a difference.
Every member of the school is automatically a member of FoGMS.
Every year, in September, there is an ‘Annual General Meeting’, followed by the first committee meeting of the year, to which every member is invited. Every September the FoGMS committee hope to enrol new members, and all who enrol are highly valued for their work and commitment. Everyone in the GMS community values the generosity of all who participate, donate and give of their time selflessly.
At key points of the year social functions for parents, carers and students are organised and are always oversubscribed. Examples include the New Year Intake Coffee Morning, and the Year 7 and Year 8 discos, which take place in the autumn term.
Second hand uniform sales of school and PE uniforms, including one in August of each year, helps new and established parents and carers enormously. This is a two way partnership: the pre-loved uniform sales could not go ahead without the generosity of parents and carers who pass on good quality items.
Bags2School is popular and takes place several times a year. Good quality items suitable for ‘reuse’ are bagged and dropped at the school gate, where FoGMS members collect them before selling them to the charity to raise funds for the benefit of our students.
Every major event, including drama productions, Sports’ Awards Evening, Sports Day, Christmas Music Concert, and Open Evening are all supported by FoGMS.
Over the years, every department, club and student area has benefited from money raised by FoGMS. Their unstinting commitment is highly valued by every member of the school.