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Currently Browsing: Key Stage 3

Recommended Reading

The experienced librarian at GMS writes to raise the profile of reading during lockdown, she has also included a list of good reads and recommended websites. “As we find ourselves in lockdown once again can I remind you of the huge benefits of reading? The Accelerated Reading scheme is a framework to...

8K3’s Christmas Cards

8K3 and their form tutor Miss Addy have raised money for the Tanzania charity by organising and judging a Christmas card design competition. There have been some fabulous entries for the prize of having a uniquely designed Christmas card printed and sold across the school. The winning designs have now been...

Tanzania Charity/8H3 Idiom Fundraiser

8H3’s Idiom fundraiser has turned out to be a hugely successful competition among students and staff alike. Would you be able to work out that IRCAD is, ‘It’s raining cats and dogs’? This is a reminder that completed all sheets should be submitted to C1/8H3’s register box by...

Yr7 Parents’ Evening

GMS reminds parents and carers of the Year 7 that Parents’ Evening is on Thursday 3rd December 2020. The Online Appointment Booking facility, now closed, should have sent an email to confirm the times of all appointments. Should parents or carers be unable to keep the appointment time, or wish to make...

Book Fair 3/11-14/11 Library

GMS are committed to promoting reading, research in a government published document stated, “A growing number of studies show that promoting reading can have a major impact on children and adults and their future.” From the 3rd November until 14th November 2020, the annual GMS Library Book Fair...

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