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Currently Browsing: Key Stage 3

Bronze Medal for Gymnastics

Congratulations goes to one of our Year 8 students, Eliza Barbosa de Melo, who has shown her gymnastic expertise and performance quality in the National Finals: she was central in helping her team, Team London, win the prestigious Bronze medal at the competition. Eliza is in 8H3, and her commitment to a...

Halloween House Competition

The KS3 Halloween creative writing competition has now come to a close and the top three compositions have been chosen. Firstly, the HouseLeads would like to say a huge congratulations to every student who entered. Every single story and poem was read and enjoyed by us and we absolutely loved them all. It...

Silver Winner:Judo

A talented Year 8 judo enthusiast, Ralphy Weaver Poole, attended the European Hainaut Cup Competition in Belgium, recently, with his core judo team. He had prepared thoroughly for the championship. So, over two days, Ralphy took part in an epic eight fights, in both the U15s and U13s categories. The reward...

Sustainable Fashion

When GMS was awarded the prestigious Eco-Schools Green Flag, the eco-movement engaged with the idea of sustainable fashion. At the beginning of this academic year, all the Year 7s attended an event in the school hall delivered by The Florence Nightingale Charity (based in Marlow). The presentation and...

KS3:Halloween House Competition

Before the deadline of Monday 16th October, all KS3  students  of all Houses are invited to participate in an exciting Halloween House Competition. Form tutors are introducing this during form time this week. Students are challenged to complete a spooky short story or poem. Every entry earns an achievement...

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