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Currently Browsing: Key Stage 3

Yr9 Options’Evening:28/3

Year 9 GCSE Options’ Evening is on Tuesday 28th February from 6 pm – 7:45 pm. The Options process has given GMS students much information about the Options’ process and the subjects on offer for study in KS4. The recent Bucks New University  ‘Futures Day’ trip enabled students to make...

Date Change/Options’ Evening

An important date change has been made for Options’ evening. As a result of industrial action, planned for the 1st March, GMS has taken the decision to bring the Year 9 Options’ Evening forward 24 hours; it will now take place on Tuesday 28th February between 6 pm and 7.45 pm. The school...

Children’s Mental Health Week

Children’s Mental Health Week runs from 6th February to the 12th February. This year the organisers have adopted the theme ‘Let’s Connect’. Finding a connection with another person is vitally important if there is something that has unsettled a person’s mental health. What is...

Yr7-Virtual Reality Experience

A new classroom technology was experienced by GMS’s Year 7s. By participating in 3D virtual reality technology the students were transported into different worlds and settings, which brought the subjects alive. The voice of one student summed up the impact of the event. “I really enjoyed doing...

Sewing Bee

The Sewing Bee Club takes place on a Wednesday from 3.15 -4.30 pm. Just recently, there has been a marked increase in the number of students attending. For health and safety reasons students enrolled in this club will be required to stay for the whole time. This way, parents and carers are clear about...

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