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Currently Browsing: Key Stage 4

Information PPT: Year 11

Year 11s, their parents and carers now can access a virtual Information PPT to help and guide GCSE revision. Mr Ross, is very thorough in his advice as to how to be effective with revision. To find the PPT go to ‘Student Area’, (in the blue strip across the top of the GMS’s website front...

Yr11 Swanage Geography Fieldtrip

On Friday 1st October, five members of the Geography Squad, namely Mr Warner, Mrs Messenger, Miss Coates, Miss Miles and Miss Ashby, plus an honouree member from the English Department, Mrs Sadd, made the early morning departure from school to Swanage, with 100 Year 11 geographers. On arrival, it was a short...

Prefect: Red Tie Assembly

On 20th September 2021, the Prefect Red Tie Assembly formally initiated the new Year 11s with their prefect status. It was a lovely event with 82 students officially becoming prefects; this year the assembly was attended by proud parents and carers, too. Mr. Ford presented the ties and Mrs Rooney took...


The second of three workshops, called ‘Student Elevation’ focused on the art of revision and becoming successful GCSE candidates, took place at GMS. The students, in their form groups, were coached on how to break down amount of revision required by setting realistic goals. Just as importantly,...

Yr11 Information Evening

The very important Year 11 Information Evening is live on the website: please go to the blue strip at the top of the front page, select  the Parents/Carers tab, choose Information Evenings from the menu and click on Year 11. Mr Ross, Director of Learning, has uploaded a PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) with...

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