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Currently Browsing: 6th Form

Yr13 Prom: 23/06/23

The Sixth Form Prom organisers have finalised the details of the Sixth Form Prom. It will take place on Friday 23rd June 2023, from 7pm to 11pm at the Wycombe Heights Golf Club. The cost to join this celebration is £35, which covers the cost of the hire of the venue, a buffet and DJ. To pay please follow...

Yr12 Parents’/Carers’ Evening

The important Year 12 Parents’/Carers’ Evening is on Thursday 23rd February 2023 from 4.30-7.30pm. This is traditionally an important evening because it provides an opportunity to discuss the progress of your son or daughter in their Year 12 studies. To register a time-slot with staff, please use...

T-Level Technical Qualification in Education and Childcare

The Childcare Department are launching their exciting new T-Level in Sept 2023 for Year 12s. It is targeted at all GMS students who have a desire to work with children. The qualification is equivalent to 3 A-levels and students can also progress to university on a child-related course. Education and...

Year13&14 Parent/Carer Evening

Mr Hollyman invites all Year 13 and Year 14 parents and carers to a virtual online Parents’ Evening on Tuesday 24th January 2023. In keeping with the hours of other parent/carers evenings it will run from 4.30pm until 7.30pm. Booking can be made from 7.00pm on Tuesday 17th January until 23rd January at...

1st Dec Young Enterprise: Cozeeco

Young Enterprise Sixth Formers would like to thank everyone who has generously donated materials to the Young Enterprise Teams project. They have been overwhelmed by the amount of support they have received and have been busy upcycling material. Date for your Diary. Young Enterprise is selling the...

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