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Currently Browsing: 6th Form

Geography Field Trip

Mrs Messenger, reports on a very successful trip to Yorkshire, where the Year 13s went for their A-level field trip. “From Friday 9th September until Monday 12th September three members of the Geography Department took 29 Year 13 geography students to The Cranedale Centre in Yorkshire. After a long day...

A-level Results 2022

At Great Marlow School, we are absolutely delighted with the fantastic results achieved by our Year 13 students.  Our largest cohort of students has earned our best set of results, the last two years aside, with students across the board achieving A-level and BTEC results to shout about. They should all be...

Yr12 Guest Speaker-Scott Davies

Recently, a guest speaker came into GMS to speak to 120 Year 12 students about gambling and addiction. Scott Davies, a former ex-professional, spoke about how gambling and addiction begins and manifests itself; in particular how it can take over a person’s life. The success of the message of the...

Excellent Eco-Warriors

Miss Addy has only praise for the GMS Eco Warriors – 46 registered members already, with a good number of them attending the weekly meetings. She says, “I couldn’t be more pleased.” The Green Flag is within reach. More plans are in the pipeline: discussions and advice are being sought...

Interact Cake Sale

The Sixth Form Interact Team held a cake sale on Valentine’s Day and raised a substantial sum of money: £230. Miss Jones wrote, “That is outstanding! Well done to you and your team, you should be really proud of yourselves! I’m not sure what that amount says about the eating habits of the...

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