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Currently Browsing: General News

KS3:Halloween House Competition

Before the deadline of Monday 16th October, all KS3  students  of all Houses are invited to participate in an exciting Halloween House Competition. Form tutors are introducing this during form time this week. Students are challenged to complete a spooky short story or poem. Every entry earns an achievement...

300 Club Launched

The new academic year’s popular FOGMS 300 Club has been launched. Every month there is a chance to win £150 First Prize or £50 Runner Up Prize. There is the added bonus of two draws in December: a Christmas bonus! FoGMS is now accepting new members. A number is only £20 for the year and members can...

Maths Challenge 3/10

GMS has entered students for the national Senior Maths Challenge for a number of years now. On 3rd October, 25 students, from Year 10 to the Sixth Form, will sit the 90 minute challenge and GMS wishes them every success. Many thanks to Mrs Bansal, who has organised this opportunity for our maths enthusiasts.

Y7 Cookery Club

To celebrate the diverse extra-curricular activities at GMS,  this article is about Cookery Club being run for the Year 7s. Mrs Cadogan and Mrs Gifford give their time on a Tuesday after school, from 3 pm to 3.45 pm, to promote the joy of preparing and cooking a dish that students  can take home. ...

Costumes for Matilda: Christmas Production

This year’s Christmas production is going to be Matilda the Musical. Preparation is already underway. The GMS Drams Department is looking for items of clothing that are school themed and would fit our students (ages 11-14). If you have any of the following and would be willing to loan them to the...

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