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Telephone - 01628 483 752
Company Registration No.07690054
Currently Browsing: Eco-School

Sustainable Fashion

When GMS was awarded the prestigious Eco-Schools Green Flag, the eco-movement engaged with the idea of sustainable fashion. At the beginning of this academic year, all the Year 7s attended an event in the school hall delivered by The Florence Nightingale Charity (based in Marlow). The presentation and...

Wood4trees: Update

GMS embraced the Wood4trees project, led by Neil Butler a couple of years ago and it has been ongoing ever since. Our students have been caring for their trees while a suitable home can be found in which to plant them. The project was inspired by David Attenborough’s concerns over climate change and...


FoGMS thanks everyone for supporting the Bag2School Collection on Wednesday 27th September . If you are interested in supporting this enterprise in the future, Bag2School donations are collected by FoGMS to raise funds for GMS. Bags of items are dropped at school on designated days that are announced...

House Competition: Remembrance Day

For Remembrance Day 2023, a House competition is being launched to collect plastic bottles: both 500 ml and 2 litres. Every bottle counts towards the House total, so students and staff are being encouraged to start collecting and depositing them in their designated House recycling banks, and bags located in...

Y7 Upcycling Competition

GMS are dedicated to the eco-friendly way of living. To that end, the Florence Nightingale Charity are coming into the school to educate Year 7 on the impact of ‘Fast Fashion’. They promote visiting charity shops and searching for second hand goods as a means to replace fast fashion. In school,...

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