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Reminder – FoGMS AGM and Committee Meeting: 20th September. A reminder from FoGMS that tonight is their AGM followed by the first Committee Meeting of the new academic year. They are actively seeking new members for the Committee together with Officers. The meeting will start at 6.30pm in Room...

FoGMS Year 7 & 8 Discos

Friends of Great Marlow School (FoGMS) have organised the annual Year 7 Disco, for Thursday 19th October and the Year 8 Disco on Thursday 12th October. They will take place in the school hall between 7pm and 9pm. If you would like your son or daughter to attend the disco, the cost is £5. To pay, please log...

Poetry Live: Yr11 Event

Last year, as in some previous years, GMS’s English Department took students to a national Poetry Live event. It was a huge success, bringing the poetry of the GCSE Anthology alive, while introducing other new and thought-provoking pieces. Tomorrow, 19th September is the closing date for registering...

Bagels and Bacon: FoGMS on 28/09

Thursday 28th September 2023 at 7.00pm Tickets £5 available via the link below An Evening with Jeff Rozelaar ‘Bagels and Bacon’ £5 ( Growing up, post-war in the East End was ‘an experience’. The focus of this evening’s entertainment is Jeff Rozelaar bringing to...

Jeans for Genes

On Thursday 21st September, GMS will be supporting Jeans for Genes, a charity that supports young people with genetic disorders. This day has been nominated as a non-school uniform day: instead of the traditional uniform, students are asked to show their support by wearing an item of denim. In recognition...

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