Bobmore Lane, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1JE
Telephone - 01628 483 752
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WINS at Marlow Town Regatta

Saturday 11th June was a glorious day for the Marlow Town Regatta. There was bright sunshine and a fresh breeze. For GMSBC, the hometown regatta is always a major occasion. The racing in run in three divisions or waves, enabling rowers to race in more than one event. We had over 30 crews competing and lots...

Inclusive Athletics Festival

GMS sports embrace inclusivity, so it is with great excitement that we can announce that GMS students performed particularly well at the Inclusive Athletics Festival. The Year 7 girls finished in 1st place. Another 1st place was secured by the Year 8 girls. Congratulations to all. Our Year 7 boys and our...

FoGMS Fundraising Success – Thank You

Welcome to the final half-term of the school year! FoGMS are edging ever closer to reaching the fundraising goal of £25,000 they set for this academic year. Last term you, friends of Great Marlow, helped the FoGMS team raise a Grand Fundraising Total of £18,487.55. Thank you all so much – it’s...

National Schools Regatta

Rowing has featured in the calendar as our crews headed for the National Schools Regatta. Mr Murison writes about the main events and the outcomes for our website. “The National Schools Regatta is the main national event for Junior Rowing for all age groups other than Sixth Form, where Henley Royal...

Farewell Yr11

Mr Ross, Director of Learning for Year 11, writes about the final morning for the Year 11s and the Leavers’ Assembly. “Friday, May 13th will live in my memory for a very long time. To say goodbye to a Year group I have nurtured, as they end their KS4 compulsory education, was very special and...

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