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Telephone - 01628 483 752
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Currently Browsing: Events

Yr 13/14 Parents’ Carers’ Evening

Mr Hollyman invites all Year 13 and Year 14 parents and carers to a virtual online Parents’ Evening on Wednesday 3rd November 2021. In keeping with the hours of other parent/carers evenings it will run from 4.30pm until 7.30pm. Bookings can be secured from 7pm on Tuesday 19th October until 7pm on...

Prefect: Red Tie Assembly

On 20th September 2021, the Prefect Red Tie Assembly formally initiated the new Year 11s with their prefect status. It was a lovely event with 82 students officially becoming prefects; this year the assembly was attended by proud parents and carers, too. Mr. Ford presented the ties and Mrs Rooney took...

Drop Everything & Read: 6/10

GMS is passionate about instilling a love of reading, so on Wednesday 6th of October, all students and staff at Great Marlow School will ‘Drop Everything and Read’ at 11.30 am for 20 minutes. This is a new whole school initiative, which will take place once a half term. Reading takes place in form time,...

School Photographs

All school photographs will be taken in the school hall. For GMS students in Years 7, 9, 10 and 12; this happened on Thursday 30th September; both individual and class photographs were taken. All students were provided with a photo ticket, which has a unique QR code, Photo ID and Password. Photographs can be...

One Can Trust

One Can Trust is a charity, based in High Wycombe that supports vulnerable people and their families with food donations. GMS has worked with the charity for many years and have become one of the key hubs for the collection of food. We are very grateful to the wider GMS community, which always responds to...

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