Bobmore Lane, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1JE
Telephone - 01628 483 752
Company Registration No.07690054
Currently Browsing: About GMS

Y11 Information Evening 14/09

Mrs Webster, DoL for Year 11, invites all parents and carers of Year 11 to her Information Evening on Thursday 14th September, starting at 6pm for approximately 45 minutes, in the main school hall. The purpose of the evening is to give purposeful, relevant, up-to-date information required to support students...

Student Term Begins 5th/09 for Yrs7,10&12

GMS welcomes all our students and staff back to school for the 2023 autumn term. The first day of the new term for students in Years 7, 10 and 12 is on 5th September 2023. The time of registration is 8.30 am. All year groups:  Years 7, 8, 9 10, 11, 12 and 13 attend school on 6th September 2023. Registration...

Fabulous A-level Results

At Great Marlow School we are delighted with the fantastic results achieved by our Year 13 students. They should all be incredibly proud of the grades they have achieved. For this cohort, the two years of A-level has been very challenging, yet our students have met that challenge with resilience and...

From Page to Stage: Drama Showcase

The recent production of ‘From Page to Stage’ may have come to an end, but for those involved (especially Mr Ross) there is still a ‘buzz’ of excitement because the performances of the young actors was so brilliant. It was far and away the production that had the most audience...

British Championships

Last weekend Great Marlow School Boat Club (GMSBC) competed at the British Rowing Championships in Glasgow. Due to the distance, the club only took a few crews but on the first day the Year 9 girls were on form. Racing into a stiff headwind they were keen to rectify missing out on the medals at National...

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