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Currently Browsing: About GMS

Yr11:Bucks Skills Show 2023

GMS’s Gill Southon, Careers’ Lead, has organised an important trip to the ‘Bucks Skills Show’ for the Year 11s. This is  Buckinghamshire’s largest skills and careers’ inspiration event for young people, and is on Thursday 9th March 2023 at Stoke Mandeville Stadium, Aylesbury. The...

Biodiversity: Eco-Warriors

Today, the Eco-Warriors were joined for the day by the Chitern Rangers, who came to support the development of GMS’s Biodiversity project. A total of 33 students from all year groups participated in the activity day. First on the agenda was a team of students building bird boxes in the D&T...

Year 11-Poetry Live Trip

The English Department’s visit to the exciting Poetry Live event is due to take place on Tuesday 28th February. Final numbers have been confirmed and a letter with the details is due to go out shortly.   The English Department Leads, Mrs Sadd and Mrs Legerton, are aware that as the visit was...

T-Level Technical Qualification in Education and Childcare

The Childcare Department are launching their exciting new T-Level in Sept 2023 for Year 12s. It is targeted at all GMS students who have a desire to work with children. The qualification is equivalent to 3 A-levels and students can also progress to university on a child-related course. Education and...

Sewing Bee

The Sewing Bee Club takes place on a Wednesday from 3.15 -4.30 pm. Just recently, there has been a marked increase in the number of students attending. For health and safety reasons students enrolled in this club will be required to stay for the whole time. This way, parents and carers are clear about...

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