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Currently Browsing: About GMS

Kickboxing: GB Team Member

In the past year, Mika has made quite an impact on the GB Kickboxing scene. In February she managed to secure a Gold medal at the British Championships. By doing so she received a spot on the GB National Kickboxing Team. Mika didn’t stop there, she continued to train hard to achieve her goals winning...

Jeans for Genes 23/09

In GMS’s assemblies and Thought for the Week this week, the Science Department has led on Jeans for Genes, a charity that supports children with genetic disorders. The charity works incredibly hard to fund research into genetic disorders and provide support for families who are affected by a...

Geography Field Trip

Mrs Messenger, reports on a very successful trip to Yorkshire, where the Year 13s went for their A-level field trip. “From Friday 9th September until Monday 12th September three members of the Geography Department took 29 Year 13 geography students to The Cranedale Centre in Yorkshire. After a long day...

Coffee Morning Yr7 Parents/Carers

Friends of Great Marlow School (FoGMS) are hosting a Coffee Morning for all new Year 7 Parents and Carers on Wednesday 21st September 2022, at 9.30 am until 10.30 am. In order to efficiently cater to all who wish to attend please book a place using this link. The link will remain open until 1.00pm on...

Timeless Reading Choices for KS3

The English Department encourages reading of all genres: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, plays, newspapers, journals and all besides. This term, to facilitate the wonder of fiction, in class and in form time, our Year 7 students are enjoying The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe; our Year 8s Ghost Boys and Year...

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