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Currently Browsing: Clubs

Golden Weekend for GMSBC

The Junior Inter-Regional Regatta, the first of the three National events of the regatta season, happened last weekend. GMS has picked up several medals over recent years at this event. On Saturday Connor Quann as a Year 11 Single Sculler, rowed; so did Kayla Shilito, Natasha Pendlebury, Bea Spence, Lucy...

Sal Dunn: Selected for GB

GMS’s own Sal Dunn has been selected to represent Great Britain at the Munich Regatta in May in the U19 GB Quad Sculls. He is the first from GMSBC, in recent times, to be invited to represent GB as a top-level Junior. Sal has been a fully committed rower for GMS for a long time and this is a...

Schools’ Head of the River  

On Wednesday, 20th March some 250 crews lined up on the championship course, from Chiswick Bridge to Putney to compete in this year’s race. The Schools’ Head is the major national long-distance race of the year and is the culmination of the winter training period. Due to excessive flow from the flood...

Gym and Dance Show

The amazingly popular annual Gym and Dance Show is scheduled for the 22nd March 2024. The event has participants from all year groups from Year 7 to Year 11. This year, the Year 7-11 students have focused their music and movement on the era of the 1990s. All can agree it is a hugely popular time, which is...

Choir of the Year: Competition

This year, Great Marlow School is participating in the Bucks Choir of the Year competition.  GMS students in the School Chamber Choir, will perform on Monday, March 25th at the Grange School, Aylesbury. Doors will open at 6.30 pm, with the competition beginning at 7.00 pm, with an estimated end time of 9.30...

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