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Currently Browsing: House News

House Points

A new academic year and the House point total is already being hotly contested.  All our readers can keep up-to-date with the latest totals just by looking at the website front page. At the moment the totals are all above 5000. Eagles = 5603 Hawks = 5625 Kites = 5623 Well done to all our students, in all...

House News

During the Year 7 Summer Activity Week, the new entrants to GMS decorated a House emblem in the style of Jessica Grady using paints and pastels. When the paint was dry the emblems were embellished with beads, buttons and sequins.  The purpose of the activity was to introduce the new intake to their Houses,...

House Reward Winner

The website are delighted to announce the winners of the House Reward: Kites. Congratulations to every member of Kite House for gaining the award. The winning students will enjoy some time off timetable as a reward. Staff congratulate GMS students in all three Houses on their hard work and efforts this...

House Reward Day

Reward Day is on 17th July: not long now. The final weeks are here, meaning there isn’t much time left for students to secure achievement points that will secure victory for their House. It’s not over yet though, and every house point makes a difference to the status on the league table. With...

‘BioArt Attack’ House Competition

A new and exciting House competition has just been completed and the results are now in. A ‘whopping’ 63 entries made this one of the more successful competitions of the year. However, it meant the thought-provoking task of choosing winners was challenging, due to the talent of our many artistic...

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