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Currently Browsing: Dance

Blackpool National Dance Finals

Great Marlow students, Jemima S (Year 9), Olivia D (Year 10), Sienna D (Year 8), and Bonnie F-K (Year 9), have joined their competition team from Marlow’s Academy One Dance Company. They are heading to Blackpool to compete at Victoria’s Arts and Dance (VAD) National Finals on the 29th and 30th...

Geography Fieldtrip

North Yorkshire was the destination of GMS geographers, on Friday 10th Sept. After a long journey, the students and staff reached Cranedale Centre in Kirby Grindalythe. The first piece of fieldwork, on the day of arrival, was on the water and carbon cycle of the local area; the students were keen and eager...

Postponed Yr7 Disco

Sadly, the FoGMS annual Year 7 Disco, due to take place on 22nd October, is unable to go ahead. Instead, FoGMS are planning to host an evening in June 2021, to celebrate the end of the Year 7s first year at GMS. (Government guidelines permitting, of...

Review of the Gym and Dance Show

This year’s Gym and Dance spectacular was on the theme, “Music through the Decades” to tell the story of how music and dance influenced the songs we hear today. The journey to the end result enabled students to research and learn different styles of dance, as well as discover music they had not...

Dance and Gymnastics

Dance Club GMS has a first-class dance studio, therefore, it was not surprising that 60 students signed up to attend dance sessions in the first half term. The students who participate in this sport are planning to showcase their flair and creativity in a gym and dance show scheduled for February....

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