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Yr11 Swanage Geography Fieldtrip

On Friday 1st October, five members of the Geography Squad, namely Mr Warner, Mrs Messenger, Miss Coates, Miss Miles and Miss Ashby, plus an honouree member from the English Department, Mrs Sadd, made the early morning departure from school to Swanage, with 100 Year 11 geographers. On arrival, it was a short...

District 64 Drama

District 64 is a local drama company that visited the Drama Department on Monday 27th September. Over 40 students were involved and benefited from their expertise. The session began with some warm-up drama-based games, which everyone enjoyed, next, the students were involved in physical drama. Such was the...

Drop Everything & Read: 6/10

GMS is passionate about instilling a love of reading, so on Wednesday 6th of October, all students and staff at Great Marlow School will ‘Drop Everything and Read’ at 11.30 am for 20 minutes. This is a new whole school initiative, which will take place once a half term. Reading takes place in form time,...

Geography Fieldtrip

North Yorkshire was the destination of GMS geographers, on Friday 10th Sept. After a long journey, the students and staff reached Cranedale Centre in Kirby Grindalythe. The first piece of fieldwork, on the day of arrival, was on the water and carbon cycle of the local area; the students were keen and eager...

Year 7 Portrait Project

The Heritage and Identity Project was conceived when Mrs Sillwood’s two children expressed an interest in portraits and the artist Frida Kahlo during the first lockdown. They made portraits in the style of the artist. When The Black Lives Matter movement gripped the globe, she was motivated to produce a...

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