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Telephone - 01628 483 752
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Currently Browsing: Departments

House Music Competition

The inaugural House Music competition showcased the outstanding musical talent of students from Years 7-11 at Great Marlow School. The competition comprised a variety of different musical categories and saw students perform on behalf of their house (Eagles, Hawks or Kites). Students from KS3 and KS4...

Tremendous Triathlon: Firsts and Third

On Thursday 28th May, GMS entered a team for the County Triathlon at Stoke Mandeville Stadium. Each team had six members and they had to compete in a course that demanded 15 minutes of swimming in a relay – 16 minutes of cycling, the three members working in a relay- 15 minutes of a running relay...

GMS Summer Reads

“So many books, so little time” reading is wonderful, most especially when you find a ‘gem of a book’ that becomes truly memorable. GMS promotes reading in so many ways: through the library; in the monthly ‘Drop Everything and Read’ initiative; in the E2 Wednesday KS3 Book...

Young Fashion Designer Competition 

The Textile Department are delighted with the number and superb quality of the entries for the Young Fashion Designers’ Competition. The Young Fashion Designer UK is an exciting national competition that focuses on enhancing the talent of students to showcase and promote exceptional work. As young...

Success at Young Enterprise

Great news of a win for GMS’s Young Enterprise students, who won a few awards in several categories on Friday 5th May, when our business students showcased their Cozeeco Business Evolution; their presentation to the judges was persuasive and compelling. The unique name Cozeeco was chosen to represent...

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