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Yr 9 Visit Bucks University

On Friday, 19th January, GMS were given the opportunity to take 16 Year 9 Pupil Premium students to the High Wycombe campus of the Bucks New University, for the day. The day was part of their Passport Programme designed specifically to:

· Encourage students to start thinking about their own interests and how these might relate to university, as an option in the future.

· Explore the qualities required to be a student at university.

· Highlight the courses and qualifications available, places to study, and the concept of entry requirements.

· Dispel any myths students may associate with university.

· Talk to student ambassadors during a question and answer session.

The Year 9s and the accompanying staff arrived at Bucks New University at 9.20am, where they were greeted by university ambassadors (a current student) . The programme for the day saw the students being divided into four groups, although the same classroom was shared. Each group had their own ambassador. The ambassadors stayed and worked with the same group all day, answering many, many questions asked by our students. The activities included: team building exercises (which involved building a tower from spaghetti); a ‘design your perfect student’, which highlighted the qualities students require to succeed at university; how to read a prospectus; a tour of the campus; and, finally, a general question and answer session. No-one will forget the delicious lunch!

The tour of the campus was very impressive. The immense size (over 14,000 students), together with range of facilities available, was inspiring – particularly the flight simulator (for pilot training), the music/sound recording studio, the media suite, the library, the gym and finally the student bar, they were given a quick walk through – honest!

The students left the university having had a fun day and having been given much to think about for their future. Upon returning to school, at 2.30 pm, each student completed a survey, which asked for the most important point learned from the day: 38% said it was learning how independent you had to become; 31% said about learning to live on a budget. Other points recognised were the need to be wise about attending seminars/lessons and to make full use of the outstanding facilities the university has to offer.

All of the GMS students who attended are now considering going to university as a future option, which is a fabulous outcome.

Many thanks to the staff who organised the event and helped make the day so successful.

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