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Bronze and Silver Training Weekend

More than 100 GMS students have enrolled on the Duke of Edinburgh scheme and they are preparing for an important training weekend in just seven weeks time. This is very significant  milestone in the preparation for the Bronze and Silver medals.

The Bronze and Silver Expedition Guides were sent out via Parentmail before Christmas. The guides contain all of the information needed to successfully complete the training and expedition weekends; it is advised that all students familiarise themselves with the information in order to be prepared for the challenge.

Helen Murray, the DoE manager, asks that all final balance payments are paid, via ParentPay, on or before 2nd February, to ensure a place is secured on the training weekend. Also, she can email out a copy of the DoE guides, should anyone not have received theirs.

GMS thank all the staff for their continued commitment, to the students for engaging with the challenges and the parents and carers for the support and encouragement that make the initiative work.

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