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Telephone - 01628 483 752
Company Registration No.07690054

Year 10 Drop Down Days

Prior to the Easter holiday the Year 10s were off timetable for three lessons, in order to participate in sessions that would teach them key life topics.

GMS was very pleased to have Nicky Cousin and Emilie Joliffe from the Buckinghamshire Health Service over to deliver information on contraception and other aspects of sexual health; the students were fascinated and asked some extremely important questions.

St John’s Ambulance delivered sessions on how to administer first aid for various injuries, until professional help can intervene. These sessions were really energetic and the students enjoyed the tasks that were set by Charlotte who was leading.

GMS was also pleased to welcome Sam Oakley from Addaction, who gave students a frank talk about drugs and the risks associated with them. He was extremely well informed on the subject, but it was the way he often used humour alongside interesting facts that really engaged the students with the important message he was there to deliver.

The Year 10 students were a credit to the school; the session leaders commented on how engaged they had been throughout the morning.

We look forward to welcoming the leaders again at future events at Great Marlow School.

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