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Mr Ross writes. Key Stage 3 productions go from strength to strength. After the success and positive reviews of Romeo and Juliet from parents, carers and staff alike, I was worried about the next production.

As a team we chose Macbeth and launched the audition stage. As always, there was far too much talent to turn away so the script was adapted to accommodate everyone who auditioned.

Thereafter, rehearsals of an hour and a half took place every Thursday afternoon. Every week more and more Shakespearean lines became word perfect.

The final rehearsals were pressurised, for all concerned wanted the production to be first class, especially as time constraints meant there could only be one evening performance.

The morning of the evening performance staff were invited to bring classes to the technical run through. Imagine my surprise when over 200 students and the Chair of Governors were there to watch this dress rehearsal.

For many of the cast, this performance was nerve-racking as they were performing in front of peers, yet they acted expertly.

Unfortunately, as the play is just over an hour long the KS3 audience could not see the end, as they had to go their next lessons. There was a genuine reaction of disappointment; it was at that point we realised this was going to be a special play.

The evening performance was everything we could have hoped for and more. All students were simply outstanding.

The audience’s reaction was heartfelt and overwhelming; it was obvious they had enjoyed every aspect of the play.

At this point I would like to take a moment to praise and thank Archie for leading Dylan and Jamie as the sound and lighting team. Thanks also go to all the staff, who gave up their time to the project: Mrs Sadd, Miss Edwards, Mrs Sharp, Miss K Bennett, Mr S Taylor, Miss Bevan, Miss Longstaff. All these people worked incredibly hard in so many ways, and I am so grateful. Also, the Drama Department, especially Mrs Cherney, who offered her invaluable expertise.

The stagecraft is the scaffolding for the actors, so it was very important that all aspects of the production came together on performance night.

I hope the cast and all the team felt the excitement of the cheers of over 230 people.

At the start a project, all involved commit to the task ahead. For this production everyone concerned went way above what was expected.

I do become emotional at the end of the play that is because I look at the cast and I know what we put them through and  they have delivered!

A new academic year will offer a new challenge. We will keep you posted. GMS are always ready for a challenge.

Thank You, Mr S Ross.

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