Bobmore Lane, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1JE
Telephone - 01628 483 752
Company Registration No.07690054

Activity Day to Phasels Wood: 13th July

To celebrate the end of Year 8, Great Marlow School (GMS) is offering every child in the year group the opportunity
to go on an Activity Day to Phasels Wood, Kings Langley. The date of the trip will be Monday 13th July 2020, leaving by coach at 9 am and returning to school at approximately 3:45 pm. There will be a mixture of instructor-led activities including: Archery, abseiling, zorbing and team challenges. The cost is just £25.50, for all activities and transport.

GMS urges all to sign up promptly, the final payment date is Wednesday 18th March 2020. To register and pay please log into using your username and password. If you do not have a Parentpay account
please contact the Finance Office ( who will be able to issue you with a PayPoint
letter. No cash or cheques are accepted.

As this was a phenomenally successful trip last year, the GMS Year 8 team would like to replicate it with the current Year 8 cohort. Contact can made via telephone or email,, if there are any
further questions or queries.

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